Warn Product Catalog

Check this out.  I have the coolest sales rep for Warn.  He even owns a FJ40.  He loves it when I buy lots of winches so the majority of the time he will waive shipping saving you an extra $100 over what I save you on the retail cost. 



Model and Part # Description Retail Your Cost
M6000/45880 6000 lbs. 4.8 hp planetary with 156:1 740.00 612.00
M8000/20910 8000 lbs.  ditto with 216:1 795.00 656.00
M8274-50/38631 The Best Period! 1410.00 1139.00
XD9000/28500 9000 lbs 4.6 hp planetary with 156:1 1020.00 829.00
XD9000i/27550 ditto 1045.00 845.00
HS9500/48500 The new high speeds 72ft./min 1093.00 890.00
HS9500i/47550 9500 lbs. 4.6 hp planetary with 156:1 1118.00 928.00
M12000/17801 Low slung beast of a winch 1379.00 1126.00
M15000/ Ditto but with angry cable    



Model and Part # Description Retail Your Cost

I'll be posting additional accessories shortly.

  Warn offers so much its hard to choose what to show you guys.


Call me at 501-821-4737 to order


The Cruiser Company   
Copyright © 2000 The Cruiser Company. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 20, 2010 02:33 AM





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