Dr. Charles Pearce's FJ62 conversion

Here are some teasers pics

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Through a series of unfortunate events they managed to submerge and hydraulic this cruiser.  We can rebuild her. We have the technology

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Here the motor is being fitted in the chassis

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Check out the inside of the truck as compared to above, that was alot of work to get all the silt out of everything.  Here is another example of why you want me doing your truck.  Check out the the computer mounting bracket I custom built for this application.  The engine harness has its own plug to disconnect it from the chassis harness.  I used the factory air cleaner assembly with a tube that was welded in for the Vortec air flow meter.  Later we added a bull bar and rims and tires.  

The next time the Doc is in the shop I will snap some more pics


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